It's been a long time since I posted and the MK fans out there have been asking to see some of the concept art that I did for MK9.
I was only asked to do a few and with some very specific direction, but I also took the liberty of presenting a few concepts more to suit my own taste, hoping they would want to take the game in that direction. My redesigns.
The first three concepts I did (Reptile, Johnny Cage and Cryax), I had no interaction with the team and are the ones in which I branched out on my own.
I had just rolled off of another project and moved right to MK9 and these were the first pieces I showed to the guys. The first version of Cryax had a face that Ed Boon pointed out to look like Howard the Duck (he was right it did have the shape of Howard the Duck) so I changed that, but that was all I changed.

The next three I did (Milena, Sub Zero & Nightwolf) were directed by the team to look like what they did in MK2. I think they all turned out pretty good, but I was a little disappointed with what I did with Sub-Zero, he was always my fav of the MK characters and I think I could have iterated on him a few more times.
These were the last images I did for Midway Games before I left. I do have a bunch of earlier concepts from different MK pitches that have never seen the light of day. I will post them when the time is right I suppose...

To see my Mk Redesigns: Scorpion, Sub-zero, Kano, Sonya, &; Raiden:
check out my pages to see additional work: