Monday, May 07, 2012

Concepts for Phosphor Games

So I realized I haven't made a post since August 2011!  I know, that is lame...It was certainly not out of laziness, I just forgot...I know, that's also lame. Water under the bridge now. :\
Here are a few pieces I have done over the past year, there is too many to post them all. I want to put up pieces that people don't really get to see for what ever reason.

Concepts for Phosphor Games:

There is much more work I'd like to publish here but its getting late...more to come


Anonymous said...

picture are very nice and amazing... are they depicting some sort of black magic and human zombies.....???

Thanks & Regards

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ADmin said...

presumably, likewise which range from the IP location, yet click here they don't have the foggiest idea who an unique is.

Unknown said...

I still love the sand demon and soldiers print I bought from you last C2E2!

Raya Resmana said...

nice from information, i'm very like and thank you for sharing
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